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Файл: Формат: MKV Видео кодек: H. Файл: Формат: MKV Видео кодек: H. The supporting cast, notably Fabia Drake's dotty old Madame deRosemond, are excellent.
Маркиза предлагает Вальмону пари: если он добьется своего с мадам де Турвель, то она отдастся ему; если же нет — то виконт должен будет отправиться в монастырь и покаяться. Маркиза предлагает Вальмону пари: если он добьется своего с мадам де Турвель, то она отдастся ему; если же нет — то виконт должен будет отправиться в монастырь и покаяться. The music, cinematography and choreography are superb. If he wins, he can have his lover to do as he will. Here he cappers like a 15 year old, which delights and disarmes her. Раздосадованная маркиза предлагает пари, где ставкой является мадам де Турвель и в случае выигрыша виконта, маркиза подарит ему самое дорогое, что у неё есть…Себя. Meg Tilly and Colin Firth dancing in this sequence are breathtaking to behold. Раздосадованная маркиза предлагает пари, где ставкой является мадам де Турвель и в случае выигрыша виконта, маркиза подарит ему самое дорогое, что у неё есть…Себя. Colin Firth is a marvelous Valmont. He has a bet with Benning that he can bed this married, pious lady.
Желая отомстить любовнику, но чужими руками, маркиза предлагает соблазнить Сесиль известному донжуану виконту де Вальмону Колин Ферт. Here he cappers like a 15 year old, which delights and disarmes her. Iliked Firth's sense of humor about himself, it makes the ending morepoignant.
Valmont - Milos Forman [DivX ITA].avi - Set in Baroque France, a scheming widow and her lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman.
Synopsis Set in Baroque France, a scheming widow and her lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman. The lover, Valmont, bets that he can seduce her, even though she is an... Set in Baroque France, a scheming widow and her lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman. The lover, Valmont, bets that he can seduce her, even though she is an honorable woman. If he wins, he can have his lover to do as he will. However, in the process of seducing the married woman, Valmont falls in love. Of all of them, I like this one best. Colin Firth is a marvelous Valmont. Firth is a VERY subtle actor. Early in the film, he pretends to be helpless in the water, unable to swim in order to elicite a response from his victim, Tilly , but when his actions do not receive the response he expected, his face changes immediately. He is no longer the smiling, charmer, but a man furious that his plan was thwarted. These changes in expression happen in an instant. The alteration of his features is absolutely chilling. It is, to me, far more effective to have the villian of the piece LOOK like an angel, than to look like what he really is Malkovitch. Annette Benning, with her delicate beauty and dimple certainly doesn't look like the scheming, sexual predator that she really is. There is one scene in which Firth really does a virtuoso performance. He dances with four women in turn. First, he dances with his elderly Aunt. This lady still loves to flirt. He is graceful and charming and flatters her outrageously. Next he dances with his 15 year old prey. Here he cappers like a 15 year old, which delights and disarmes her. Next, Valmont dances with Benning, his former lover. Here he is remote and aloof. It is SHE who flirts with him! He withholds what she knows should be hers. THEN he dances with the woman he has fallen in love with. He has a bet with Benning that he can bed this married, pious lady. In this dance he is sensual and genuine. SHE reacts with the most rapturous expressions and movements I have ever seen on screen. Meg Tilly and Colin Firth dancing in this sequence are breathtaking to behold. Because all of the feelings of the characters in Valmont are so beautifully acted, Firth, Benning, Tilly and Balk are all believable and because you believe in them you also feel their pain. Each character suffers because of decisions they have made, over and above the seductions that do take place. A marvelous film that I recommend to those over 18. There are some explicite scenes in this film that are too hot for young people. Of course Dangerous Liaisons was very good, and John Malkovich, who played Vicomte de Valmont, is an actor of power, and Glenn Close, who played the Marquise de Merteuil, is highly accomplished, but I preferred the charm of Colin Firth in this film to the brutality of Malkovich, and I thought Annette Bening was just delightful. She played Merteuil with exquisite timing and an ironic witchery and warmth that I shall not soon forget. I preferred her playful, sly wit to Close's cool cynicism. The story comes from a novel by Choderlos de Laclos set in 18th century France that was made into a stage play by Christopher Hampton. It is a cynical satire on human sexuality as well as a very subtle examination of sexual hypocrisy and desire, a kind of oh so sophisticated laugh at bourgeois morality that would have delighted Voltaire and Moliere and greatly amused Shakespeare. It is a tale of elaborate lechery and revenge that backfires because it seems that anybody, even the most jagged rake can fall in love, and thereby become the victim. The central assumption here is the same as that of the Cavalier poets, namely that marriage kills love. One of the great sequences in the movie occurs after she has fallen madly in love with Valmont against her will. She stands outside his doorway in the rain for hours looking adoringly and forlornly up at his window. And then she is allowed to enter and receive a cool reception. Pause You are an awful man. Pause For the worse. Valmont pursues women, the harder to get the better, with a relentless and maniacal passion, but once he has them, he immediately loses interest. His making love absentmindedly to Cecile de Volanges played with wide-eyed innocence and girlish charm by Fairuza Balk was an incredible irony when we consider what she would cost Gercourt, played with his rather substantial nose in the air by Jeffrey Jones, whom you may recall as the pratfalling principal in Ferris Bueller's Day Off 1986. There is some insidious philosophy here, some sardonic observations on human nature worth mentioning. One is that the man beloved of women gets most of the reproductive tries, and regardless of his rakishness, is still beloved. Another is that duplicity is the accepted, even required, standard of behavior in society, and that when it comes to sex, one must, perforce, always lie. Milos Forman's direction was invisible and therefore a work of art. The incidental scenes and backdrops depicting the color, squalor and decadence of pre-revolutionary France added just the right amount of atmosphere. The costumes were stunning and much cleaner than they would have been in reality. The elegance and beauty of all the titled people merrily contrasted with the crude ugliness of the common people, rightly reflecting the effete snobbery of the aristocracy before the time of the guillotine.